CDC sets the record straight regarding the flu vaccine

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention clears the air about the flu vaccine.

On-line reports have been flooding Facebook and Twitter claiming the flu shot is not safe.

"The bottom line about the flu vaccine is that we know from many years of experience that it is a safe vaccine to give," says the CDC's Kristen Nordlund.

Everyone ages 6 months and older are urged to get the vaccine, with rare exceptions. They are children younger than 6 months, People with severe life threatening allergies to flu vaccine or any ingredient in the vaccine and some people with egg allergies.

If you have ever had Guillain-Barre Syndrome talk to your doctor before getting the vaccine. If you are not feeling well talk to your doctor before getting the vaccine.

In Georgia, as of Monday, there are 25 confirmed flu-related deaths and 671 people hospitalized. Georgia Department of Health is urging everyone who hasn't gotten a flu shot yet to get one.