Eric Church Will Release 3 Albums In April

Eric Church announced he will release a “three album project” in April titled “Heart & Soul” .

It will be three separate albums released on three separate days. However, the only way to get all three is to be a member of the “Church Choir’, his fan club. The first album is titled “Heart” and will be released on April 16th. The next album is available on April 20th and it’s titled “&”. The third album is titled “Soul” and will be released on April 23rd. We can buy the albums “Heart” and “Soul”, but the other album “&” is just for the “Church Choir”.

In a message to fans, Church said “it was just a special, special time and a special, special project that I think will be among our best.” He ended his message with “It’s been a long 10 months. With the power of music and love for each other, we will get through this, we will gather again soon. I cannot wait to play this music for you live.”

We can’t either Eric!

-- Doug O’Brien